Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pompous oaf Peter Vaughan is too important to go shopping

This is Peter Vaughan.

Recognise him? Probably not.

He's the new Chief Constable of South Wales police.

He believes that he is so important, that he is unable to walk round a supermarket.

Speaking to the 'Police Review' he said

"There are additional pressures now that I am a chief constable. I used to be able to walk around my local supermarket, but now someone else will do my shopping, for security reasons."

The level of pomposity and lack of self-awareness is astonishing.

I doubt anyone in South Wales could even pick him out of a line-up.

Peter Vaughan - a man who is so full of his own importance that he is afraid to walk round Tesco without a bodyguard.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a saddo

Mon Jul 25, 07:37:00 pm GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that nobody would know this person, only locals and not all, where I live in wales the locals know who the chief inspectors are and have been, they are usually a respected part of the community.

Tue Jan 03, 02:09:00 pm GMT  

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